The next morning, the master of the shop tells the steward that someone from the Zhao family from southern land entered the shop. The master doesn't believe it's a problem between the li family and the Zhang family, but he does believe that the family from the southern land is trying to shut the shop down. He goes to the branch of the pill pavilion to find out what's going on, and the master tells him that the people there want to demolish the shop and take away its herbs. The steward tells the master that he's the one who went to the main market to get rid of the people from the Pill Pavilion, and he'll be the one to do it.
The next morning, the master of the shop tells the steward that someone from the Zhao family from southern land entered the shop. The master doesn't believe it's a problem between the li family and the Zhang family, but he does believe that the family from the southern land is trying to shut the shop down. He goes to the branch of the pill pavilion to find out what's going on, and the master tells him that the people there want to demolish the shop and take away its herbs. The steward tells the master that he's the one who went to the main market to get rid of the people from the Pill Pavilion, and he'll be the one to do it.