Martial Master

Martial Master • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-1001444
Chapter 90
This is a locked chapterChapter 90
About This Chapter
The next day, the students discuss the results of the test. The first round was won by Chen Qin, and the second round by Lingshan Zhao, the daughter of the prince. The students are excited about the upcoming rounds, but they are also saddened by the fact that they have all fallen behind in rank.
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Martial Master

Martial Master • Chapter 90 • Page ik-page-1001444
Chapter 90
This is a locked chapterChapter 90
About This Chapter
The next day, the students discuss the results of the test. The first round was won by Chen Qin, and the second round by Lingshan Zhao, the daughter of the prince. The students are excited about the upcoming rounds, but they are also saddened by the fact that they have all fallen behind in rank.
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