Now that chen has agreed to the test, he's ready to take it. He's worried that if he doesn't pass, he won't be able to get the five million silver coins he needs to get into the university. But chen points out that the three geniuses from the ge family who passed the test were no match for him in terms of "cultivation" , so he'll just take the test anyway. He promises to give chen one million silver if he passes the test. Aww, that's just a little too much for chen, who's already got a million bucks to his name. Geez, what's that all about? Well, it turns out that this whole jade forest is actually a "formation" . The closer you get to the jade-building, the stronger it is.
Now that chen has agreed to the test, he's ready to take it. He's worried that if he doesn't pass, he won't be able to get the five million silver coins he needs to get into the university. But chen points out that the three geniuses from the ge family who passed the test were no match for him in terms of "cultivation" , so he'll just take the test anyway. He promises to give chen one million silver if he passes the test. Aww, that's just a little too much for chen, who's already got a million bucks to his name. Geez, what's that all about? Well, it turns out that this whole jade forest is actually a "formation" . The closer you get to the jade-building, the stronger it is.