Martial Master

Martial Master • Chapter 172 • Page ik-page-1489865
Chapter 172
This is a locked chapterChapter 172
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Ming-ling tries to buy a sword from the Treasure Tower, but the owner of the shop refuses to sell him the sword because he has not yet agreed to sell it to Ming. The owner tries to explain that Ming is buying a sword that he can buy off of the street and Ming is trying to forcefully take the sword back from Ming, who wants to buy it back for his kids. Ming tries to convince Ming that the sword is just a pawnshop item that Ming can buy on the street. Ming is shocked that Ming would try to force the return of such a valuable item, but Ming explains that he stopped Ming just because he did not want Ming to leave the shop in such a hurry. Ming asks Ming to bring him a sword case, since he already has the sword he is looking for. Ming thinks the case is a treasure, but when Ming accidentally breaks the exterior of the case, he shows Ming the rusty sword.
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Martial Master

Martial Master • Chapter 172 • Page ik-page-1489865
Chapter 172
This is a locked chapterChapter 172
About This Chapter
In this short scene, Ming-ling tries to buy a sword from the Treasure Tower, but the owner of the shop refuses to sell him the sword because he has not yet agreed to sell it to Ming. The owner tries to explain that Ming is buying a sword that he can buy off of the street and Ming is trying to forcefully take the sword back from Ming, who wants to buy it back for his kids. Ming tries to convince Ming that the sword is just a pawnshop item that Ming can buy on the street. Ming is shocked that Ming would try to force the return of such a valuable item, but Ming explains that he stopped Ming just because he did not want Ming to leave the shop in such a hurry. Ming asks Ming to bring him a sword case, since he already has the sword he is looking for. Ming thinks the case is a treasure, but when Ming accidentally breaks the exterior of the case, he shows Ming the rusty sword.
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