The emperor has heard of what the family has done, and he wants to know why the family is so loud. The emperor is a former student at the academy, and the emperor is trying to take the family down in court. The family has won half the country for the family name, and has many merits to its name, the emperor will not do that to the family. feng qin is still a lieutenant in the army, which is why he has been so careful not to get noticed. The qin family does not want to be noticed, and they have always been careful to avoid being noticed. They are worried that they are not well known enough, and that they will have to hand over yong quan to the emperor. They do not have to worry about this, because they do not need to concern themselves with this. they only need to ask yong quin to come and finish two people. they are still trying to cause trouble at such an important time, and it is too late now. they can only do this because they are always protecting them.
The emperor has heard of what the family has done, and he wants to know why the family is so loud. The emperor is a former student at the academy, and the emperor is trying to take the family down in court. The family has won half the country for the family name, and has many merits to its name, the emperor will not do that to the family. feng qin is still a lieutenant in the army, which is why he has been so careful not to get noticed. The qin family does not want to be noticed, and they have always been careful to avoid being noticed. They are worried that they are not well known enough, and that they will have to hand over yong quan to the emperor. They do not have to worry about this, because they do not need to concern themselves with this. they only need to ask yong quin to come and finish two people. they are still trying to cause trouble at such an important time, and it is too late now. they can only do this because they are always protecting them.