The Governess and the Governess's daughter, the silly girl, arrive at the house. They are delighted to see the two of them, and they are pleased to see that they are in a good place. They tell her that dinner is ready, and that she can stay for the night. The silly girl says that it is a shotgun marriage, but that she likes her husband very much. She says that if it werent for him, things would be a lot worse. She also says that she is still confused about how he thinks of her. She tells him that she wants him to be happy. He gives her membership cards, and he says they will all be for her. He also gives her a book, which she does not really like, but she seems to like it. He falls asleep, and she wakes him up.
The Governess and the Governess's daughter, the silly girl, arrive at the house. They are delighted to see the two of them, and they are pleased to see that they are in a good place. They tell her that dinner is ready, and that she can stay for the night. The silly girl says that it is a shotgun marriage, but that she likes her husband very much. She says that if it werent for him, things would be a lot worse. She also says that she is still confused about how he thinks of her. She tells him that she wants him to be happy. He gives her membership cards, and he says they will all be for her. He also gives her a book, which she does not really like, but she seems to like it. He falls asleep, and she wakes him up.