The next morning, the Governess returns to her apartment to find that the people have left. She tells the others to get out of the apartment, but they refuse. The Governess tells them that she has been working with the "yin group" , and that they lost all of their clients because she is a member of the group. She asks why they have lost their clients, and they tell her that they knew each other. She says that she used to live in the same apartment, and now she lives in the apartment of a woman with a brick. The woman's husband is a client of hers, and when he met her, he told her that he loved her, and then he said that he wanted her to divorce him and marry him. She chased him down, and he was never in love with her. He says that the difference between them is that the woman was born beautiful, and no one has ever gone after him. He wonders how he could have a guy like him, and wonders if he felt the same way when he first met her. She wonders if the man is caring so much for a woman, and she asks him if he has ever seen him care so much about such a woman
The next morning, the Governess returns to her apartment to find that the people have left. She tells the others to get out of the apartment, but they refuse. The Governess tells them that she has been working with the "yin group" , and that they lost all of their clients because she is a member of the group. She asks why they have lost their clients, and they tell her that they knew each other. She says that she used to live in the same apartment, and now she lives in the apartment of a woman with a brick. The woman's husband is a client of hers, and when he met her, he told her that he loved her, and then he said that he wanted her to divorce him and marry him. She chased him down, and he was never in love with her. He says that the difference between them is that the woman was born beautiful, and no one has ever gone after him. He wonders how he could have a guy like him, and wonders if he felt the same way when he first met her. She wonders if the man is caring so much for a woman, and she asks him if he has ever seen him care so much about such a woman