In the second half of the second game of the season, Hino Sato and his men are still waiting for Ivicto to return to the field. They are disappointed to see that he has returned to the front, but they are hopeful that he will be able to make up for the loss of two points in the pre-season match. The men discuss the fact that they are still behind in the match, and they decide that they need to play more aggressively in order to gain a point.
In the second half of the second game of the season, Hino Sato and his men are still waiting for Ivicto to return to the field. They are disappointed to see that he has returned to the front, but they are hopeful that he will be able to make up for the loss of two points in the pre-season match. The men discuss the fact that they are still behind in the match, and they decide that they need to play more aggressively in order to gain a point.