In this short scene, we get a brief glimpse into the mind of Hiroshi Enomoto, the protagonist of the novel. We learn that he has been waiting eight months for his chance to be a hero, and he is overjoyed to be on the field. He thanks his wife, his daughter, and his coach for giving him the chance to prove himself. He also thanks his family for their support. He declares that if the team does not attack, they will never be able to score.
In this short scene, we get a brief glimpse into the mind of Hiroshi Enomoto, the protagonist of the novel. We learn that he has been waiting eight months for his chance to be a hero, and he is overjoyed to be on the field. He thanks his wife, his daughter, and his coach for giving him the chance to prove himself. He also thanks his family for their support. He declares that if the team does not attack, they will never be able to score.