At the halfway point of the second half of the game, Thomas and Mercutio are still arguing about whether or not they're going to win the game. The two argue about whether they should try for a draw or go for a win. Mercuto says he'd rather lose the game than try to win it, but Thomas argues that if they lose, it's because they didn't play hard enough in the first half. He's not sure if they should go for it or not, but he's sure they'll lose anyway.
At the halfway point of the second half of the game, Thomas and Mercutio are still arguing about whether or not they're going to win the game. The two argue about whether they should try for a draw or go for a win. Mercuto says he'd rather lose the game than try to win it, but Thomas argues that if they lose, it's because they didn't play hard enough in the first half. He's not sure if they should go for it or not, but he's sure they'll lose anyway.