This chapter opens with a conversation between a young woman named Fuji Sawa and a sports writer named Katsurafujisawa. The young woman, who has just returned from a trip to the United States, wants to interview a man named Tsubaki, who she believes to be a "weirdo" . The two of them discuss the possibility of the interview taking place in front of a large crowd, but the young woman is afraid of crowds, so she doesn't want to talk to anyone. The interview will take place in the middle of the night, so the young women are afraid to go out in the dark. When they arrive at the interview site, they are greeted by the young man, who introduces himself as "Tsubaki." The young man explains that he has come to find out about his family's history, and he is eager to tell his story to the audience.
This chapter opens with a conversation between a young woman named Fuji Sawa and a sports writer named Katsurafujisawa. The young woman, who has just returned from a trip to the United States, wants to interview a man named Tsubaki, who she believes to be a "weirdo" . The two of them discuss the possibility of the interview taking place in front of a large crowd, but the young woman is afraid of crowds, so she doesn't want to talk to anyone. The interview will take place in the middle of the night, so the young women are afraid to go out in the dark. When they arrive at the interview site, they are greeted by the young man, who introduces himself as "Tsubaki." The young man explains that he has come to find out about his family's history, and he is eager to tell his story to the audience.