Mysterious Girlfriend X

Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory • Page ik-page-1848590
Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory • Page ik-page-1848576
Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory • Page ik-page-1848587
CHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory
This is a locked chapterCHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory
About This Chapter
It's been a while since we've seen the two of them, but now that we're back at school, it's time for urabe to introduce himself. He's a member of the student council, which means that he's in charge of the school's finances. Coincidentally, one day, oka's friend, leno, also happens to be on the council. Leno asks oka if he'd like to hear the back story of how he and oka fell in love. Ooh, that'd be a great way to start off a conversation, right? Well, it turns out that oka and leno have been going out together since the beginning of their relationship. .
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Mysterious Girlfriend X

Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory • Page ik-page-1848590
Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory • Page ik-page-1848576
Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory • Page ik-page-1848587
CHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory
This is a locked chapterCHAPTER 81: Mysterious Backstory
About This Chapter
It's been a while since we've seen the two of them, but now that we're back at school, it's time for urabe to introduce himself. He's a member of the student council, which means that he's in charge of the school's finances. Coincidentally, one day, oka's friend, leno, also happens to be on the council. Leno asks oka if he'd like to hear the back story of how he and oka fell in love. Ooh, that'd be a great way to start off a conversation, right? Well, it turns out that oka and leno have been going out together since the beginning of their relationship. .
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