Mysterious Girlfriend X

Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response • Page ik-page-1846876
Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response • Page ik-page-1846881
Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response • Page ik-page-1846871
CHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response
This is a locked chapterCHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to the concept of "mystery response" , a term used to describe a person's reaction to a situation. In this case, it's a hypothetical situation in which a person experiences a change in his or her senses as a result of falling in love. In other words, when a person falls in love with someone, their senses begin to change, too. For example, when you're in love, your heart starts to race, your eyes start to tear up, and your mouth starts to fill with drool. What's this supposed to mean? Well, it doesn't really mean anything. It just means that something's happened between you and urabe, and that you've had to apologize for what happened the last time you saw her. Okay, so we're not really sure what that means, but we'll assume that it means that iran has passed him in the affections department. So, what's the point of apologizing for something that happened the day before? Um, okay. Well, that's because iran made him cry, and he's sorry that he made her cry. Um, OK, but what about the fact that you slapped him yesterday? Um...what about that? What about that whole "I'm sorry for yesterday" thing? Um. What about this whole, "I don't have to apologize because you changed my sorry." Um, what about that "I deserve punishment for the past" thing?" Um, yeah. Um. But what about this "I have to say that my slap stings" thing, and I'm also the person who said that it was
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Mysterious Girlfriend X

Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response • Page ik-page-1846876
Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response • Page ik-page-1846881
Mysterious Girlfriend X • CHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response • Page ik-page-1846871
CHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response
This is a locked chapterCHAPTER 22: Mysterious Response
About This Chapter
In this chapter, the reader is introduced to the concept of "mystery response" , a term used to describe a person's reaction to a situation. In this case, it's a hypothetical situation in which a person experiences a change in his or her senses as a result of falling in love. In other words, when a person falls in love with someone, their senses begin to change, too. For example, when you're in love, your heart starts to race, your eyes start to tear up, and your mouth starts to fill with drool. What's this supposed to mean? Well, it doesn't really mean anything. It just means that something's happened between you and urabe, and that you've had to apologize for what happened the last time you saw her. Okay, so we're not really sure what that means, but we'll assume that it means that iran has passed him in the affections department. So, what's the point of apologizing for something that happened the day before? Um, okay. Well, that's because iran made him cry, and he's sorry that he made her cry. Um, OK, but what about the fact that you slapped him yesterday? Um...what about that? What about that whole "I'm sorry for yesterday" thing? Um. What about this whole, "I don't have to apologize because you changed my sorry." Um, what about that "I deserve punishment for the past" thing?" Um, yeah. Um. But what about this "I have to say that my slap stings" thing, and I'm also the person who said that it was
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