Back at the training camp, Tommo is all, "what the heck is this?" He's not sure what the heck he's talking about when he says, "I'm going to fulfill all my duties with my might and all my fiber of being." Translation: I'm ready to become part of Tommo's "dark his tory" . Tommo doesn't seem to be having any of this. Instead, he tells the other guys that they've been practicing with him. They're psyched to be working with him, because they think he'll be able to teach them a thing or two about the art of volley-ball. They agree that Tommo needs to get his "funda mentals" in order to compete at the district level. They also agree that he needs to improve his "volley-ball" , because it's going to take a lot of work to get him to the top of his game.
Back at the training camp, Tommo is all, "what the heck is this?" He's not sure what the heck he's talking about when he says, "I'm going to fulfill all my duties with my might and all my fiber of being." Translation: I'm ready to become part of Tommo's "dark his tory" . Tommo doesn't seem to be having any of this. Instead, he tells the other guys that they've been practicing with him. They're psyched to be working with him, because they think he'll be able to teach them a thing or two about the art of volley-ball. They agree that Tommo needs to get his "funda mentals" in order to compete at the district level. They also agree that he needs to improve his "volley-ball" , because it's going to take a lot of work to get him to the top of his game.