This scene opens with the protagonist, a young man named Tomoyuki, talking to his wife, Wagatsuma, in a public place. Tommoyuki tells his wife that a magazine photographer has asked him to take a nude picture of his wife. He says that he thought this would be the spark that would bring his wife to the top of the social ladder, and that he has done just that. He tells her that the photographer asked him if he would take his picture, and he says he did, thinking that it would be a great idea for her to be seen in the public eye. He also says that this is the first time he has ever seen a woman in public naked. He asks his wife what she thinks of this, and she replies that she does not think it is a good idea for him to show her naked in public. He then asks her if she is in the bath with him. She says that she is, and they are married. They enter a private room, where they see a naked woman in front of them. The protagonist says that the woman is his wife's maid, Waga Tsuma-Tsuma, and asks her to look at the picture on his cell phone. She replies that it is not her fault, but that she must despise him now.
This scene opens with the protagonist, a young man named Tomoyuki, talking to his wife, Wagatsuma, in a public place. Tommoyuki tells his wife that a magazine photographer has asked him to take a nude picture of his wife. He says that he thought this would be the spark that would bring his wife to the top of the social ladder, and that he has done just that. He tells her that the photographer asked him if he would take his picture, and he says he did, thinking that it would be a great idea for her to be seen in the public eye. He also says that this is the first time he has ever seen a woman in public naked. He asks his wife what she thinks of this, and she replies that she does not think it is a good idea for him to show her naked in public. He then asks her if she is in the bath with him. She says that she is, and they are married. They enter a private room, where they see a naked woman in front of them. The protagonist says that the woman is his wife's maid, Waga Tsuma-Tsuma, and asks her to look at the picture on his cell phone. She replies that it is not her fault, but that she must despise him now.