My Wife is Wagatsuma-san

My Wife is Wagatsuma-san • PART 18 Brown Sugar • Page ik-page-883648
My Wife is Wagatsuma-san • PART 18 Brown Sugar • Page ik-page-883639
PART 18 Brown Sugar
This is a locked chapterPART 18 Brown Sugar
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the universe is divided into two opposing forces, known as "ying" and " yang." The first force is the "enthusiasm" of the characters, and the second force is "stress practicality." In other words, the players are trying to make the characters cry, but they can't because they don't know how to do it. This is because, as the narrator points out, "all little sisters do" . The mission refuses to go back to their country to find out if "little sister moe" exists or not. They're going to marry Wagatsuma, and they're not going to leave their porn alone. Oh, and by the way, the little sister is in elementary school, so she's not a "romantic feel-ings" kind of girl. The little sister isn't really a girl at all, but a little girl who's just starting out in life. The narrator is all, "dude, I'm not sure if this is a girl or a boy, but it's pretty clear that little sistermoe exists." The little girl is so sweet that even the guy at the counter has to admit that she exists. He's a jerk, the narrator says, and he's going to have to call him "hikari chanto" to get him to admit the existence of little sister moe. He wants to call her "sagi" , but he doesn't want to be called "sakie," so he calls her "dag ni rattle." The narrator wants to go see his little sister
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My Wife is Wagatsuma-san

My Wife is Wagatsuma-san • PART 18 Brown Sugar • Page ik-page-883648
My Wife is Wagatsuma-san • PART 18 Brown Sugar • Page ik-page-883639
PART 18 Brown Sugar
This is a locked chapterPART 18 Brown Sugar
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the universe is divided into two opposing forces, known as "ying" and " yang." The first force is the "enthusiasm" of the characters, and the second force is "stress practicality." In other words, the players are trying to make the characters cry, but they can't because they don't know how to do it. This is because, as the narrator points out, "all little sisters do" . The mission refuses to go back to their country to find out if "little sister moe" exists or not. They're going to marry Wagatsuma, and they're not going to leave their porn alone. Oh, and by the way, the little sister is in elementary school, so she's not a "romantic feel-ings" kind of girl. The little sister isn't really a girl at all, but a little girl who's just starting out in life. The narrator is all, "dude, I'm not sure if this is a girl or a boy, but it's pretty clear that little sistermoe exists." The little girl is so sweet that even the guy at the counter has to admit that she exists. He's a jerk, the narrator says, and he's going to have to call him "hikari chanto" to get him to admit the existence of little sister moe. He wants to call her "sagi" , but he doesn't want to be called "sakie," so he calls her "dag ni rattle." The narrator wants to go see his little sister
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