In the palace, the emperor tells the prince that he has heard the news about the wedding, and that he wants the prince to take him away from the palace so that they can go their separate ways. The prince says that the emperor is the key to the search for the treasure, so he will take him outside of the palace. The emperor says that he is afraid that the prince will break into the palace if the prince gets angry. He asks the prince if he has any information about poisonous insects in the body of the bride, and the prince replies that he does. He says that poisonous insects are called soul breaking insects, and they used to be used to make medicine for imperial families in the snow kingdom. But later, they found out that people who used this medicine for long periods of time would become cyanosis, and eventually die. The Emperor says that there is no antidote for the sickness, but that the antidote is available in ten days. He offers the prince a large reward if he can save his wife.
In the palace, the emperor tells the prince that he has heard the news about the wedding, and that he wants the prince to take him away from the palace so that they can go their separate ways. The prince says that the emperor is the key to the search for the treasure, so he will take him outside of the palace. The emperor says that he is afraid that the prince will break into the palace if the prince gets angry. He asks the prince if he has any information about poisonous insects in the body of the bride, and the prince replies that he does. He says that poisonous insects are called soul breaking insects, and they used to be used to make medicine for imperial families in the snow kingdom. But later, they found out that people who used this medicine for long periods of time would become cyanosis, and eventually die. The Emperor says that there is no antidote for the sickness, but that the antidote is available in ten days. He offers the prince a large reward if he can save his wife.