In this chapter, we learn that the emperor treats the girl as his daughter, and that she is grateful for this. The girl tells the emperor that she wishes the world were prosperous forever. The emperor tells her that she may not be able to join the clan in the snow kingdom, but she can run into the other three clan members in the kingdom. The two of them discuss the possibility of having a child together, but the girl says that she will not allow anything to harm her. She tells him that they can be together if they are not physically related, but that the brother-sister relationship made the people laugh at her. The Emperor tells the girl that if she loses in the horse race, he will apologize to her if he loses, and she will see the lake.
In this chapter, we learn that the emperor treats the girl as his daughter, and that she is grateful for this. The girl tells the emperor that she wishes the world were prosperous forever. The emperor tells her that she may not be able to join the clan in the snow kingdom, but she can run into the other three clan members in the kingdom. The two of them discuss the possibility of having a child together, but the girl says that she will not allow anything to harm her. She tells him that they can be together if they are not physically related, but that the brother-sister relationship made the people laugh at her. The Emperor tells the girl that if she loses in the horse race, he will apologize to her if he loses, and she will see the lake.