Back at the palace, the servant tells his father that he's going back to his road-construction job. He says he'll explain everything to his father, but first, he wants to apologize to him. The servant says that the prince just caught him talking and took him away to check if he'd go to Yuqi. He's not sure if he should let the prince go or not, but he promises to send some guards with him when he gets back to China. He also promises to pick a perfect suitor for his daughter-in-law when she gets back.
Back at the palace, the servant tells his father that he's going back to his road-construction job. He says he'll explain everything to his father, but first, he wants to apologize to him. The servant says that the prince just caught him talking and took him away to check if he'd go to Yuqi. He's not sure if he should let the prince go or not, but he promises to send some guards with him when he gets back to China. He also promises to pick a perfect suitor for his daughter-in-law when she gets back.