The emperor's daughter, the empress, arrives with her father, the king's son-in-law, and her two children. The empress tells the king that her father is innocent of the charges against him. The children beg her to save their father, but she refuses, saying that she is the one to blame for their past sufferings. She begs the king to listen to her plea, but the king is not her father by blood. He is nice to her and her family, she says, and he will listen to the pleas of countless innocent people. The king agrees to listen, but he will not listen to sunrise's plea for her father's life. He will listen only to her pleas for the life of her father. She tells him that today may be her last day of life, and she begs him to save her father and the crown prince.
The emperor's daughter, the empress, arrives with her father, the king's son-in-law, and her two children. The empress tells the king that her father is innocent of the charges against him. The children beg her to save their father, but she refuses, saying that she is the one to blame for their past sufferings. She begs the king to listen to her plea, but the king is not her father by blood. He is nice to her and her family, she says, and he will listen to the pleas of countless innocent people. The king agrees to listen, but he will not listen to sunrise's plea for her father's life. He will listen only to her pleas for the life of her father. She tells him that today may be her last day of life, and she begs him to save her father and the crown prince.