When the emperor scolds his father for disobeying him, the young prince is furious. He tells his father that his sister has insulted him by making fun of a wooden doll he has made. The elder prince rebukes his son for his behavior, but the prince refuses to listen to his father's complaints. He says that he will not allow his sister to harm him and his brother. The young prince explains that he and his friend have been living in the "cold palace" for a long time, and that they have learned to fend off bullies. When the prince asks his father what he wants for his birthday, the elder prince tells him that he wants to know who killed his mother and threw him into the river.
When the emperor scolds his father for disobeying him, the young prince is furious. He tells his father that his sister has insulted him by making fun of a wooden doll he has made. The elder prince rebukes his son for his behavior, but the prince refuses to listen to his father's complaints. He says that he will not allow his sister to harm him and his brother. The young prince explains that he and his friend have been living in the "cold palace" for a long time, and that they have learned to fend off bullies. When the prince asks his father what he wants for his birthday, the elder prince tells him that he wants to know who killed his mother and threw him into the river.