The next day, the two men meet again in the palace, and this time, the old man is sick. He tells the young man that he once led an army to conquer the kingdom of the snows, which is where his mother came from. The old man says that his father was poisoned by the poison when he was a young man, and that his majesty is now suffering from it. He says that he will go back to the kingdom to find out if there is anything wrong. The young man asks where he should find the antidote to the poison in the snow, and the old guy says that there is a magic snow-ganoderma that can be used as an antidote. The two men talk for a while, and then the old one leaves to go on a mission. He asks the young one if he can help him build the road to the high road, and she says yes. She says that she is not finished with the road yet, and he asks her to stay to help him. He wants her to marry him.
The next day, the two men meet again in the palace, and this time, the old man is sick. He tells the young man that he once led an army to conquer the kingdom of the snows, which is where his mother came from. The old man says that his father was poisoned by the poison when he was a young man, and that his majesty is now suffering from it. He says that he will go back to the kingdom to find out if there is anything wrong. The young man asks where he should find the antidote to the poison in the snow, and the old guy says that there is a magic snow-ganoderma that can be used as an antidote. The two men talk for a while, and then the old one leaves to go on a mission. He asks the young one if he can help him build the road to the high road, and she says yes. She says that she is not finished with the road yet, and he asks her to stay to help him. He wants her to marry him.