Are You Lost?

Are You Lost? • Chapter 10: Tasty Rabbit? (1) • Page ik-page-328145
Are You Lost? • Chapter 10: Tasty Rabbit? (1) • Page ik-page-328138
Chapter 10: Tasty Rabbit? (1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 10: Tasty Rabbit? (1)
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of the three men's mission. They've gone to the forest to gather firewood and then to the beach to search for food. Asuka, Asuka-san, and shion are all working on their little traps, but they've forgotten something important about rescuing the men from the forest. As they're talking, a crack in the forest floor rings out, and the men realize that they need to get out of the forest ASAP.
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Are You Lost?

Are You Lost? • Chapter 10: Tasty Rabbit? (1) • Page ik-page-328145
Are You Lost? • Chapter 10: Tasty Rabbit? (1) • Page ik-page-328138
Chapter 10: Tasty Rabbit? (1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 10: Tasty Rabbit? (1)
About This Chapter
The chapter opens with a description of the three men's mission. They've gone to the forest to gather firewood and then to the beach to search for food. Asuka, Asuka-san, and shion are all working on their little traps, but they've forgotten something important about rescuing the men from the forest. As they're talking, a crack in the forest floor rings out, and the men realize that they need to get out of the forest ASAP.
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