Are You Lost?

Are You Lost? • Chapter 101: Sleepless Night • Page ik-page-2892567
Chapter 101: Sleepless Night
This is a locked chapterChapter 101: Sleepless Night
About This Chapter
The girls wake up in the middle of the night to find that the boat has been knocked over by the wind. They lower the roof and try to lower the anchor, but the wind is so strong that it will not work. The girls are afraid, but they try to hang on to the boat.
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Are You Lost?

Are You Lost? • Chapter 101: Sleepless Night • Page ik-page-2892567
Chapter 101: Sleepless Night
This is a locked chapterChapter 101: Sleepless Night
About This Chapter
The girls wake up in the middle of the night to find that the boat has been knocked over by the wind. They lower the roof and try to lower the anchor, but the wind is so strong that it will not work. The girls are afraid, but they try to hang on to the boat.
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