Are You Lost?

Are You Lost? • Chapter 103: Night When the Guineafowl Sleep • Page ik-page-2892587
Are You Lost? • Chapter 103: Night When the Guineafowl Sleep • Page ik-page-2892588
Chapter 103: Night When the Guineafowl Sleep
This is a locked chapterChapter 103: Night When the Guineafowl Sleep
About This Chapter
The next morning, koff wakes up to find that the boat has sunk and that the birds are missing. He's glad that he made the boat so that they wouldn't have to go back to the ship. He also says that he's so glad that they were able to get the ship wrecked. He wonders what they'll do now that they've lost half their food and water.
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Are You Lost?

Are You Lost? • Chapter 103: Night When the Guineafowl Sleep • Page ik-page-2892587
Are You Lost? • Chapter 103: Night When the Guineafowl Sleep • Page ik-page-2892588
Chapter 103: Night When the Guineafowl Sleep
This is a locked chapterChapter 103: Night When the Guineafowl Sleep
About This Chapter
The next morning, koff wakes up to find that the boat has sunk and that the birds are missing. He's glad that he made the boat so that they wouldn't have to go back to the ship. He also says that he's so glad that they were able to get the ship wrecked. He wonders what they'll do now that they've lost half their food and water.
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