The gang is in the middle of exploring the sandra, which is described as "the planet of sand" . They're worried that they'll be able to ride it, but they don't want to play with it. First, though, they've got to figure out what's going on with Shura. He's on another planet called "nero 1 ," which is also called the "Temple of the Seven Sins . . a.k.a. the "goddess of war" , and he's surrounded by a hundred thousand ships, all of which are waiting to attack him. The gang decides to visit Shura in person, but it's not looking too good. They can't figure out where he is, and they're not sure if he'll make it to them in time to help them. So they decide to go see him in person. Shura's got a message for them: "hey guys, we're here to help you." Shura is on the other side of the world, called "the temple of the seven sins ." . The temple is a place where all the gods worship, and the seven Sins worship the god of war. The group decides to go there and help Shura, but first, they need to find out who the voice is. It's a guy named "clack clack" who's talking to a woman named "woody" who just came back from a battle. The two of them decide to talk to Shura and find out what the hell is going on. They decide to call themselves the "rebel army" because they want to free the "aoi cosmos" from the tyranny of "nero"
The gang is in the middle of exploring the sandra, which is described as "the planet of sand" . They're worried that they'll be able to ride it, but they don't want to play with it. First, though, they've got to figure out what's going on with Shura. He's on another planet called "nero 1 ," which is also called the "Temple of the Seven Sins . . a.k.a. the "goddess of war" , and he's surrounded by a hundred thousand ships, all of which are waiting to attack him. The gang decides to visit Shura in person, but it's not looking too good. They can't figure out where he is, and they're not sure if he'll make it to them in time to help them. So they decide to go see him in person. Shura's got a message for them: "hey guys, we're here to help you." Shura is on the other side of the world, called "the temple of the seven sins ." . The temple is a place where all the gods worship, and the seven Sins worship the god of war. The group decides to go there and help Shura, but first, they need to find out who the voice is. It's a guy named "clack clack" who's talking to a woman named "woody" who just came back from a battle. The two of them decide to talk to Shura and find out what the hell is going on. They decide to call themselves the "rebel army" because they want to free the "aoi cosmos" from the tyranny of "nero"