A Scorching Hot Day With a Broken Air Conditioner, if I Keep Having Sex With My Sweaty Childhood Friend… • Chapter 96 • Page ik-page-4311253
Chapter 96
This is a locked chapterChapter 96
About This Chapter
It's hot outside, and the narrator is having sex with a guy named "Fidele" . The narrator tries to get him to stop, but he's not having it. He's just trying to get her to let him have sex with her. He tries to squeeze her, but she doesn't want to do it, so she squeezes him, and he squeezes her again, and she's all, "oh, you're such a tight guy, I don't know what to do with you." The narrator thanks everyone for helping him out, and says that "day two" was "a success thanks to everyone" , and that "there's no reason to worry" about the details of the confession. He says that he'll leave it to the narrator to decide what he should do with the rest of the sex scene.
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A Scorching Hot Day With a Broken Air Conditioner, if I Keep Having Sex With My Sweaty Childhood Friend… • Chapter 96 • Page ik-page-4311253
Chapter 96
This is a locked chapterChapter 96
About This Chapter
It's hot outside, and the narrator is having sex with a guy named "Fidele" . The narrator tries to get him to stop, but he's not having it. He's just trying to get her to let him have sex with her. He tries to squeeze her, but she doesn't want to do it, so she squeezes him, and he squeezes her again, and she's all, "oh, you're such a tight guy, I don't know what to do with you." The narrator thanks everyone for helping him out, and says that "day two" was "a success thanks to everyone" , and that "there's no reason to worry" about the details of the confession. He says that he'll leave it to the narrator to decide what he should do with the rest of the sex scene.
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