Shrouding The Heavens

Shrouding The Heavens • Chapter 83: One Against Ten • Page ik-page-4848989
Chapter 83: One Against Ten
This is a locked chapterChapter 83: One Against Ten
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the disciple who wants to establish a sect in the area is the same one who wanted to set up a sect at the beginning of the story. The disciple is angry that the man wants to move away from the area because it is beautiful. He tells the disciple that the beauty of the region is beautiful, and that it pleases him. He asks the disciple if he thinks that he can claim the beauty as his own, and the disciple replies that he does not think so. He says that he is already in the region and that he would not be able to build a new sect if he did not live there. He reminds the disciple of the old man's sister, who was beautiful, dignified, and lived in harmony with her family. But the disciples let her die in dishonor, and they allowed her to drown herself in their sorrow. They kidnapped people from different villages to gather some "source," and they would beat them up if they did not obey them. They beat up the elderly, too, but the disciple says that when they grow stronger, the bandits will disappear. He calls on the disciple to kill all of them, saying that they must not escape from this place. The disciples shout that they have a god within their weapons and that they are stronger than ever before. They attack the disciple, who is too powerful for them to kill him. They shout that he must be killed, and several others attack him, but they do not succeed. They rise from the bronze lamp and attack one person, but he is too weak to kill them. He cries out, "Whoosh, whoosh
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Shrouding The Heavens

Shrouding The Heavens • Chapter 83: One Against Ten • Page ik-page-4848989
Chapter 83: One Against Ten
This is a locked chapterChapter 83: One Against Ten
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we learn that the disciple who wants to establish a sect in the area is the same one who wanted to set up a sect at the beginning of the story. The disciple is angry that the man wants to move away from the area because it is beautiful. He tells the disciple that the beauty of the region is beautiful, and that it pleases him. He asks the disciple if he thinks that he can claim the beauty as his own, and the disciple replies that he does not think so. He says that he is already in the region and that he would not be able to build a new sect if he did not live there. He reminds the disciple of the old man's sister, who was beautiful, dignified, and lived in harmony with her family. But the disciples let her die in dishonor, and they allowed her to drown herself in their sorrow. They kidnapped people from different villages to gather some "source," and they would beat them up if they did not obey them. They beat up the elderly, too, but the disciple says that when they grow stronger, the bandits will disappear. He calls on the disciple to kill all of them, saying that they must not escape from this place. The disciples shout that they have a god within their weapons and that they are stronger than ever before. They attack the disciple, who is too powerful for them to kill him. They shout that he must be killed, and several others attack him, but they do not succeed. They rise from the bronze lamp and attack one person, but he is too weak to kill them. He cries out, "Whoosh, whoosh
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