The three of them have returned to the hotel, and Hiroshi and Takeuchi have also returned. Hiroshi is glad that they are safe, but he cannot believe that the others were looking for him inside the hotel. He says that he had a bad feeling that he was being followed, and he is sorry that he would have been a "saster" if he had been outside. He also says that when he was near a deer, someone asked him to watch the illumination, and that he agreed to do so. When Hiroshi tells him that they cannot go back while they are holding hands, Hiroshi apologizes and says he forgave him.
The three of them have returned to the hotel, and Hiroshi and Takeuchi have also returned. Hiroshi is glad that they are safe, but he cannot believe that the others were looking for him inside the hotel. He says that he had a bad feeling that he was being followed, and he is sorry that he would have been a "saster" if he had been outside. He also says that when he was near a deer, someone asked him to watch the illumination, and that he agreed to do so. When Hiroshi tells him that they cannot go back while they are holding hands, Hiroshi apologizes and says he forgave him.