In this short scene, we are introduced to a young girl named Yua, who is running a hotel with her teacher, Utsugi, in order to attend a comedy show. Yua tells her teacher that she wants to go to the show because she heard that there will be a famous performer performing there. The two girls decide to go together to see the show together, and Yua suggests that they hold hands to avoid being seen as going out. The girl says that she is not trying to make Yua do anything, but that she does not want people to think she is trying to bully her. She tells Yua that the students from her school come to the festival because they are looking for "real" people like her. The girls decide that they should hold hands, since they are in the crowd, so that they will not lose each other. They go to a cafe to have tea, and the girl thanks her teacher for making her tea.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young girl named Yua, who is running a hotel with her teacher, Utsugi, in order to attend a comedy show. Yua tells her teacher that she wants to go to the show because she heard that there will be a famous performer performing there. The two girls decide to go together to see the show together, and Yua suggests that they hold hands to avoid being seen as going out. The girl says that she is not trying to make Yua do anything, but that she does not want people to think she is trying to bully her. She tells Yua that the students from her school come to the festival because they are looking for "real" people like her. The girls decide that they should hold hands, since they are in the crowd, so that they will not lose each other. They go to a cafe to have tea, and the girl thanks her teacher for making her tea.