The group is still talking about the witch, and one of them has the ability to hide their identity. This is the only nation in the world where they can think of a power like this, and they can't wait to find out who the other witch is. The crowd is confused, and the group tries to head back to their tents. They realize that they've lost the "vibe" , but they're still not sure what to do. They're not sure if they should head back or stay and wait for the witch to show up. They decide to wait until the witch shows up, and when she does, they'll kiss her and find out her identity.
The group is still talking about the witch, and one of them has the ability to hide their identity. This is the only nation in the world where they can think of a power like this, and they can't wait to find out who the other witch is. The crowd is confused, and the group tries to head back to their tents. They realize that they've lost the "vibe" , but they're still not sure what to do. They're not sure if they should head back or stay and wait for the witch to show up. They decide to wait until the witch shows up, and when she does, they'll kiss her and find out her identity.