In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist of the story, who is called "Fitarbeya." He is a young man who has just returned from a trip to Japan. He is in the middle of a conversation with his friend, Hiroshi, when they are interrupted by the sound of a thunderstorm. Hiroshi tells the protagonist that the storm has broken and that it is now pouring rain. The protagonist realizes that he is in danger of losing his life if he does not act quickly. He asks Hiroshi to help him escape from the storm.
In this short scene, we are introduced to the protagonist of the story, who is called "Fitarbeya." He is a young man who has just returned from a trip to Japan. He is in the middle of a conversation with his friend, Hiroshi, when they are interrupted by the sound of a thunderstorm. Hiroshi tells the protagonist that the storm has broken and that it is now pouring rain. The protagonist realizes that he is in danger of losing his life if he does not act quickly. He asks Hiroshi to help him escape from the storm.