Back at the police station, Dr. Rivers is trying to find out what's going on. He's got a message for Aramis: "Don't kill me, I'm still alive" . Aramis doesn't want to hear it, but he's glad to hear that no one is talking to him. He asks if anyone has ever called him to say that Aramis is still alive, and no one has. No one has ever said anything to Aramis to say, "Hey, I still think you're alive. Is that why you made it so difficult for my wife to live?" , he asks. He also asks if she's ever done anything to make her husband's life so difficult, and she says no. He tells her that as a friend during his teens, he was happy to learn that she still lives, but that she hasn't been "completely removed from" Aramis' life. He says that if Aramis were to kill her, she wouldn't get
Back at the police station, Dr. Rivers is trying to find out what's going on. He's got a message for Aramis: "Don't kill me, I'm still alive" . Aramis doesn't want to hear it, but he's glad to hear that no one is talking to him. He asks if anyone has ever called him to say that Aramis is still alive, and no one has. No one has ever said anything to Aramis to say, "Hey, I still think you're alive. Is that why you made it so difficult for my wife to live?" , he asks. He also asks if she's ever done anything to make her husband's life so difficult, and she says no. He tells her that as a friend during his teens, he was happy to learn that she still lives, but that she hasn't been "completely removed from" Aramis' life. He says that if Aramis were to kill her, she wouldn't get