The next morning, the gang is back at the apartment, and Hiroshi asks if he's the one who murdered Mr. Kishi. Hiroshi says that he wasn't, but that he was surprised to find that the original plan had been to kill him instead of kitahama. He's also surprised that they didn't go to an apartment, since they hadn't talked about going to one in the first place. When Hiroshi presses him about why he killed him, Hiroshi tells him that it was thrilling to kill a homeless man, and that he wouldn't have killed him if he weren't afraid of what would happen if he did. He also tells Hiroshi that the police found the body, which Hiroshi thinks is the left arm of the man who killed him. He says that if Hiroshi turns himself in, he'll be involved, too, and they'll all be in trouble. He doesn't know what to make of the whole thing, but he knows that it's not fun. He wants to make sure that the others don't suffer any more, and he tells them that he will turn them in to the cops.