In this chapter, we learn that the immortal lord's son, Ming-ling, and the young man, Bei-Xiao, are in the process of forming a new race. The immortal lord, who is also known as the Great Master of the Four Realms, has come to the conclusion that the demon race and the human race should be separated from each other. He has already made up his mind. The baili clan, he says, is using him to do their evil. Before he left, he gave the young men two elixirs to keep them safe. After his death, the bailis clan stole these elixirs and used them to poison the human emperor. The human emperor then killed the entire baili family. The only descendant of this bailis family, jiang-nuoyi, has also joined the human army. The two men are seriously injured in the fight. The demon lord says that the soul of Bei Xiao is too weak to carry its memories. He casts an evil spell upon the soul, but the soul manages to fend for itself.