In a kingdom far away, a queen gives birth to a child. She invites dignitaries from all over the world to celebrate the child's birth. Two male faeries bless the child, but the king of the kingdom has forgotten to invite a wizard, so he intrudes on the banquet. The two faeries decide to bless the prince on his birthday, pricking his finger on the spindle and shedding fur for the remainder of his days. They also decide to break the curse on the prince by giving him the last blessing, which means that the curse can be broken. The prince's birthday is coming up, and the faeries think that they have escaped the curse. They send the prince back to his castle, thinking that the people have escaped. When the prince finally wakes up, he lives happily ever after.
In a kingdom far away, a queen gives birth to a child. She invites dignitaries from all over the world to celebrate the child's birth. Two male faeries bless the child, but the king of the kingdom has forgotten to invite a wizard, so he intrudes on the banquet. The two faeries decide to bless the prince on his birthday, pricking his finger on the spindle and shedding fur for the remainder of his days. They also decide to break the curse on the prince by giving him the last blessing, which means that the curse can be broken. The prince's birthday is coming up, and the faeries think that they have escaped the curse. They send the prince back to his castle, thinking that the people have escaped. When the prince finally wakes up, he lives happily ever after.