The Governess and her companions are on their way to the park, and the Governess asks the companions if they'd like to play "cat's cradle," "yummy," or "word solitaire." The companions agree, and they set off for the park. When they arrive, however, they find that a dead dog has been left at the park and that the two other dogs have already left, so they have to rush back to retrieve the dead dog. When the group of Governess, the other dogs, and their chaperones arrive, they discover that the dog has died, and that they must hurry back to fetch the dog. The group that has already left is the one that has the equipment to move the equipment, but the group with the raised hands is not willing to do so, and so they must go back to the group that had the equipment moved. The other group, with their raised hands, offers to help, but they are too upset to help. The
The Governess and her companions are on their way to the park, and the Governess asks the companions if they'd like to play "cat's cradle," "yummy," or "word solitaire." The companions agree, and they set off for the park. When they arrive, however, they find that a dead dog has been left at the park and that the two other dogs have already left, so they have to rush back to retrieve the dead dog. When the group of Governess, the other dogs, and their chaperones arrive, they discover that the dog has died, and that they must hurry back to fetch the dog. The group that has already left is the one that has the equipment to move the equipment, but the group with the raised hands is not willing to do so, and so they must go back to the group that had the equipment moved. The other group, with their raised hands, offers to help, but they are too upset to help. The