The Kind Death God

The Kind Death God • Chapter 12: Shitang Town (Part 1) • Page ik-page-4634753
Chapter 12: Shitang Town (Part 1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 12: Shitang Town (Part 1)
About This Chapter
In this chapter, dai tells us that he and his brother are staying in a town called "shitang town" . They've been there for a few days, and dai says that his uncle, who's 58 years old, is also in the town. Aww, that's a lot of time to live in a small town, right? They're going to have to move soon, though. Ooh, big brother, you're so good at cooking. Wait, what's the deal with opening a restaurant in this small town? Aww. Wait...what if dai doesn't like his brother's cooking? Ooh...wait...why don't they just open a restaurant right here in the small town where they're staying? Woohoo.
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The Kind Death God

The Kind Death God • Chapter 12: Shitang Town (Part 1) • Page ik-page-4634753
Chapter 12: Shitang Town (Part 1)
This is a locked chapterChapter 12: Shitang Town (Part 1)
About This Chapter
In this chapter, dai tells us that he and his brother are staying in a town called "shitang town" . They've been there for a few days, and dai says that his uncle, who's 58 years old, is also in the town. Aww, that's a lot of time to live in a small town, right? They're going to have to move soon, though. Ooh, big brother, you're so good at cooking. Wait, what's the deal with opening a restaurant in this small town? Aww. Wait...what if dai doesn't like his brother's cooking? Ooh...wait...why don't they just open a restaurant right here in the small town where they're staying? Woohoo.
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