Siblings with a Mountain Man • Chapter 94 • Page ik-page-4367538
Siblings with a Mountain Man • Chapter 94 • Page ik-page-4367157
Chapter 94
This is a locked chapterChapter 94
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to the siblings of amountain man, who is a member of the "advent vip" , a group of "demon spirits" who have been sent by the "heavenly sage" to "stop" the "great lord" . We learn that the advent vip's mission is to "protect" the children from the evil of their father, and that the children's father is the "father" of their grandmother, who attends all parent-teacher meetings. The siblings are shocked to learn that their father has been beaten up by their father's friends, and they vow to "play with you instead" and "come here" to protect their father. They are interrupted by a student, who tells them that the boy who was bullied the day before has been "pretty handsome" and that he has shown "a positive attitude towards learning" the previous day. The student also tells the siblings that he wants to be friends with the boy. The advent vip
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Siblings with a Mountain Man • Chapter 94 • Page ik-page-4367538
Siblings with a Mountain Man • Chapter 94 • Page ik-page-4367157
Chapter 94
This is a locked chapterChapter 94
About This Chapter
In this chapter, we are introduced to the siblings of amountain man, who is a member of the "advent vip" , a group of "demon spirits" who have been sent by the "heavenly sage" to "stop" the "great lord" . We learn that the advent vip's mission is to "protect" the children from the evil of their father, and that the children's father is the "father" of their grandmother, who attends all parent-teacher meetings. The siblings are shocked to learn that their father has been beaten up by their father's friends, and they vow to "play with you instead" and "come here" to protect their father. They are interrupted by a student, who tells them that the boy who was bullied the day before has been "pretty handsome" and that he has shown "a positive attitude towards learning" the previous day. The student also tells the siblings that he wants to be friends with the boy. The advent vip
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