In this short scene, we learn that we're introduced to the protagonist, a middle-school student named Li Mo. He's an ordinary, middle-class kid who's been raised by two unreliable parents. He has a good friend, an average school grade, and some talent in athletics, but he doesn't know how to lead a normal life. He finally realizes that his older brother is protecting him, and he's happy to have him like him. Li Mo is thrilled to find out that she's actually a "combustion infant" , which means that she and her sister have somehow managed to "merge" into the "cataclysm infant"
In this short scene, we learn that we're introduced to the protagonist, a middle-school student named Li Mo. He's an ordinary, middle-class kid who's been raised by two unreliable parents. He has a good friend, an average school grade, and some talent in athletics, but he doesn't know how to lead a normal life. He finally realizes that his older brother is protecting him, and he's happy to have him like him. Li Mo is thrilled to find out that she's actually a "combustion infant" , which means that she and her sister have somehow managed to "merge" into the "cataclysm infant"