Back at the palace, the two men reminisce about the events of the previous chapter. They reminisce about how much they hate each other, and about how elaine would never have met them if things had not been so bad. They also reminisce about their meeting with the incarnated ogre. The incarnates are evil, but they are soldiers, and they should be written off as relics from an earlier age. They remind him of his brother, who was wrong to leave the army. He decides to go back to the palace if cain decides to attack the capital.
Back at the palace, the two men reminisce about the events of the previous chapter. They reminisce about how much they hate each other, and about how elaine would never have met them if things had not been so bad. They also reminisce about their meeting with the incarnated ogre. The incarnates are evil, but they are soldiers, and they should be written off as relics from an earlier age. They remind him of his brother, who was wrong to leave the army. He decides to go back to the palace if cain decides to attack the capital.