The two incarnates meet in the middle of the battlefield. The incarnated soldiers are ready to attack, but the incarnate soldiers are too wounded to move. The two are joined by the other incarnate, who tells them that they have already won the war. He says that he will fight to the end, even if he does not live long enough to see the end of the war in him. He tells them to get out of the way of the advancing soldiers, who must have been hiding in the ravine. He then tells them not to worry, as he will be dead soon. He asks them to keep the at-tack, but they refuse to listen to him, saying that the sun will soon return to the earth and they will lose their strength. They then tell him that he has grown a little, and that he is not as tall as he used to be. They also tell him to tell him why he had to kill his father. He replies that he saw his father alive in the village in which he grew up, and he was afraid that he would turn into a beast. He also says that his vow was his salvation, knowing that he could kill him by someone who had remembered him. They tell him they have the advantage of large caliber rifles, and over-pressure ammo, which they use to pin him down. The only way they can fight you, they tell him, is by swinging their rifles at you. They say that they will rain bullets down on you until the last man is killed.
The two incarnates meet in the middle of the battlefield. The incarnated soldiers are ready to attack, but the incarnate soldiers are too wounded to move. The two are joined by the other incarnate, who tells them that they have already won the war. He says that he will fight to the end, even if he does not live long enough to see the end of the war in him. He tells them to get out of the way of the advancing soldiers, who must have been hiding in the ravine. He then tells them not to worry, as he will be dead soon. He asks them to keep the at-tack, but they refuse to listen to him, saying that the sun will soon return to the earth and they will lose their strength. They then tell him that he has grown a little, and that he is not as tall as he used to be. They also tell him to tell him why he had to kill his father. He replies that he saw his father alive in the village in which he grew up, and he was afraid that he would turn into a beast. He also says that his vow was his salvation, knowing that he could kill him by someone who had remembered him. They tell him they have the advantage of large caliber rifles, and over-pressure ammo, which they use to pin him down. The only way they can fight you, they tell him, is by swinging their rifles at you. They say that they will rain bullets down on you until the last man is killed.