When the emperor awakens, the two men discuss his appearance. The emperor is a soft-hearted man who likes to take care of people. The two men are both men, and the emperor is usually so strong. Why doesn't he pretend to be weaker? It makes him want to "throw up" . It's like all demons worship him, he says. He tells the men that he can use magic to transform himself into a "furry and adorable" creature. He wants to kneel down to worship the emperor, but the men can't help but make him smaller. He says he's too big, too scary, and too strong. The men go to eat together. The narrator tells us that this is the emperor's first time being invited to eat with him. He's treated him with kindness, and now he wants to take revenge on the demon king.
When the emperor awakens, the two men discuss his appearance. The emperor is a soft-hearted man who likes to take care of people. The two men are both men, and the emperor is usually so strong. Why doesn't he pretend to be weaker? It makes him want to "throw up" . It's like all demons worship him, he says. He tells the men that he can use magic to transform himself into a "furry and adorable" creature. He wants to kneel down to worship the emperor, but the men can't help but make him smaller. He says he's too big, too scary, and too strong. The men go to eat together. The narrator tells us that this is the emperor's first time being invited to eat with him. He's treated him with kindness, and now he wants to take revenge on the demon king.