Princess Jellyfish

Princess Jellyfish • Chapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother • Page ik-page-336347
Princess Jellyfish • Chapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother • Page ik-page-336348
Princess Jellyfish • Chapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother • Page ik-page-336349
Chapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother
This is a locked chapterChapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother
About This Chapter
The next morning, Mina gets up to go pick up tsukimi's dress. She's in a hurry, so she asks if she can join her for lunch. Mina says she can't because she's on her way to nagatacho , but she'll be back soon. Mina asks if they can have lunch together, and she says they can, since it's lunch time. Mina is wearing the only dress she has, which is the one she wore in high school. She says they're going to have to get a kimono for lunch, but they'll just have to use a cheon to get her out of the way. Mina thanks Tamura for being so nice, and they head off to have lunch.
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Princess Jellyfish

Princess Jellyfish • Chapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother • Page ik-page-336347
Princess Jellyfish • Chapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother • Page ik-page-336348
Princess Jellyfish • Chapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother • Page ik-page-336349
Chapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother
This is a locked chapterChapter 51: The Sorcerer's Younger Brother
About This Chapter
The next morning, Mina gets up to go pick up tsukimi's dress. She's in a hurry, so she asks if she can join her for lunch. Mina says she can't because she's on her way to nagatacho , but she'll be back soon. Mina asks if they can have lunch together, and she says they can, since it's lunch time. Mina is wearing the only dress she has, which is the one she wore in high school. She says they're going to have to get a kimono for lunch, but they'll just have to use a cheon to get her out of the way. Mina thanks Tamura for being so nice, and they head off to have lunch.
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