In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named "echo," who is a member of the cast of the upcoming film "Esther's Return." We learn that "echo" has been working on the project for some time now, and that she has been involved in a number of disputes with her co-star, "anna," regarding the production of the film. She has been the one who has put forward the idea of the project, and she has now been slandered by some of the company's employees.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a new character named "echo," who is a member of the cast of the upcoming film "Esther's Return." We learn that "echo" has been working on the project for some time now, and that she has been involved in a number of disputes with her co-star, "anna," regarding the production of the film. She has been the one who has put forward the idea of the project, and she has now been slandered by some of the company's employees.