In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named Anna Green, who is in love with a man named Brain. Brain is the owner of a small entertainment company, and the two of them have been married for eight years. Brain's business has been growing rapidly, and he has earned a reputation as one of the industry's most successful businessmen. Anna Green is upset that Brain has not yet succeeded in his endeavor, and she begs Brain to give her a second chance. Brain refuses, saying that he has only one goal in mind, and that is to win her love.
In this short scene, we are introduced to a young woman named Anna Green, who is in love with a man named Brain. Brain is the owner of a small entertainment company, and the two of them have been married for eight years. Brain's business has been growing rapidly, and he has earned a reputation as one of the industry's most successful businessmen. Anna Green is upset that Brain has not yet succeeded in his endeavor, and she begs Brain to give her a second chance. Brain refuses, saying that he has only one goal in mind, and that is to win her love.