Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 122 • Page ik-page-4615284
Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 122 • Page ik-page-4603240
Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 122 • Page ik-page-4603234
Chapter 122
This is a locked chapterChapter 122
About This Chapter
The Governess tells her son that her father is a lawyer for the green group. She also tells him that sherry has been arrested for injuring people. She tells him not to worry, as she is done for the night. She says that she will go back to the studio and deal with the whole thing. She then tells him about the rumors that sherry is his cousin. He says that it is true, but that he is still used to her taking medicine for him. He then tells her that the President of the World's First Group has come to visit him.
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Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 122 • Page ik-page-4615284
Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 122 • Page ik-page-4603240
Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 122 • Page ik-page-4603234
Chapter 122
This is a locked chapterChapter 122
About This Chapter
The Governess tells her son that her father is a lawyer for the green group. She also tells him that sherry has been arrested for injuring people. She tells him not to worry, as she is done for the night. She says that she will go back to the studio and deal with the whole thing. She then tells him about the rumors that sherry is his cousin. He says that it is true, but that he is still used to her taking medicine for him. He then tells her that the President of the World's First Group has come to visit him.
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