Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-4610758
Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-4602695
Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-4602704
Chapter 102
This is a locked chapterChapter 102
About This Chapter
It turns out that once a product is taken out of its own value, it is not a good one. It is a waste of time, money, and effort. Anna asks adam to give her the bracelet he gave her, but he tells her that it is a token of his love for her and that he will not pay attention to her anymore. Anna tells him that she has a boyfriend and that she does not worry about him. She says that she is from a good family and that it does not matter whether she says it or not. Anna says that amanda is her sister, and she worked with her many times, but she never mentioned her name. She also says that the marriage between amanda and her fiance, leo, is not going to happen because the frank family does not approve of the marriage. Anna invites her to go with her to a tea party, but adam is angry with her. He says that an earthquake has just happened in his city, and he is going to prepare a helicopter for her.
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Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-4610758
Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-4602695
Bright Stars: Pick A Boss To Be My Husband • Chapter 102 • Page ik-page-4602704
Chapter 102
This is a locked chapterChapter 102
About This Chapter
It turns out that once a product is taken out of its own value, it is not a good one. It is a waste of time, money, and effort. Anna asks adam to give her the bracelet he gave her, but he tells her that it is a token of his love for her and that he will not pay attention to her anymore. Anna tells him that she has a boyfriend and that she does not worry about him. She says that she is from a good family and that it does not matter whether she says it or not. Anna says that amanda is her sister, and she worked with her many times, but she never mentioned her name. She also says that the marriage between amanda and her fiance, leo, is not going to happen because the frank family does not approve of the marriage. Anna invites her to go with her to a tea party, but adam is angry with her. He says that an earthquake has just happened in his city, and he is going to prepare a helicopter for her.
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