The president of the Frank Group comes to the meeting and asks to shake hands with the two men. The frank group now owns more shares of the company than the company itself. The president asks why he should interfere in the affairs of his wife, and the frank group replies that it is because of his "family background" that he is able to take charge of affairs at the company. The company's president then asks why the company did not intervene when Brain announced that he had become the largest shareholder. Brain says that he asked him to manage the company because it was "revenge" for him and his wife. Brain then announces that he has two things to announce today: first, he has fired sherry as the director of the entertainment company, and second, he is now the president and has the authority to dismiss anyone.
The president of the Frank Group comes to the meeting and asks to shake hands with the two men. The frank group now owns more shares of the company than the company itself. The president asks why he should interfere in the affairs of his wife, and the frank group replies that it is because of his "family background" that he is able to take charge of affairs at the company. The company's president then asks why the company did not intervene when Brain announced that he had become the largest shareholder. Brain says that he asked him to manage the company because it was "revenge" for him and his wife. Brain then announces that he has two things to announce today: first, he has fired sherry as the director of the entertainment company, and second, he is now the president and has the authority to dismiss anyone.