In the midst of the fight between the two sides, the captain of the opposing team tries to get the ball back, but the ref steps on it, preventing him from doing so. The captain tries to calm the captain down, reminding him that the only thing that makes a strong man is his hunger for victory. He tells the captain to be careful with the ball next time, as it might get caught in the ruck. When the captain realizes that the ref has stepped on the ball, he realizes that he has just gotten into a fight with the opposing side. He tries to stop the captain from getting into a scuffle, telling him to stay calm and not to hurt himself. He also tells him not to worry about the captain's head, which is getting injured in the fight. He asks the captain if his head is hurt, and the captain tells him that it is.
In the midst of the fight between the two sides, the captain of the opposing team tries to get the ball back, but the ref steps on it, preventing him from doing so. The captain tries to calm the captain down, reminding him that the only thing that makes a strong man is his hunger for victory. He tells the captain to be careful with the ball next time, as it might get caught in the ruck. When the captain realizes that the ref has stepped on the ball, he realizes that he has just gotten into a fight with the opposing side. He tries to stop the captain from getting into a scuffle, telling him to stay calm and not to hurt himself. He also tells him not to worry about the captain's head, which is getting injured in the fight. He asks the captain if his head is hurt, and the captain tells him that it is.